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Lines of Research - Professional Master in Automation and Process Control

Publicado: Segunda, 23 de Outubro de 2017, 15h26 | Última atualização em Sexta, 17 de Novembro de 2017, 13h27

Português Español

Manufacture Automation: This line of research has as its main activities teaching, research and development focused on automation systems in the enterprise environment. Synergistic knowledge of Manufacture Automation will be acquired and developed from the processing of information gathered from the factory floor through industrial instrumentation, programming, analogue-digital interface, discrete event logic control through microprocessed systems, actuators and drives, automation of machines and systems to the robotization of industrial processes. In this way, the student acquires a systemic view that allows him to develop activities related to automatic, integrated and flexible systems of manufacture through the integration of technologies, methodologies and strategies involving machines, equipment, processes and human resources with the objective of improving quality, price, productivity and / or flexibility resulting in the competitiveness improvement of local companies.

Researchers: João Sinohara da Silva Souza, Ricardo Naoki Mori and Écio Naves Duarte.

Signal Analysis and Processing: Different classes of electronic signals used in multiple applications of digital systems, like image processing, telecomunication signals (wired and wireless), industrial plant control signals, among others, are investigated in this line of research. In this way, making possible the development of new Process Control Systems or the optimizing of previous ones, minimizing the noise and enhancing the interest signal of each application.

Researchers:Ricardo Pires, César da Costa and Fábio da Silva Bortoli

System Control: Studies about the application of several linear and nonlinear control system techniques with emphasis in dynamic systems in general.

Researchers: Alexandre Brincalepe Campo, Alexandre Simião Caporali and Eduardo Alves da Costa.

Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Bioengineering: Robotic manipulators; control of robotic systems; man / machine interaction; robotic hands and claws; mechatronic devices for human rehabilitation; orthoses and prostheses; mobile robots; embedded systems; artificial intelligence applied to problem solving; Artificial neural networks; nebulous logic; neurofuzzy system; artificial organs; hemodynamics and neurorehabilitation.

Researchers: Paulo Marcos de Aguiar, Paulo Roberto Barbosa, Tarcísio Fernandes Leão and Ênio Segatto.

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